Awesome resources for creating beautiful landscapes and environments

Awesome resources for creating beautiful landscapes and environments | Art-Res

Learning to draw beautiful, expressive backgrounds, environments, landscapes is a wonderful skill that will help you become a more well rounded artist. This skill requires you to understand how different components integrate in space. This means sharpening up those composition, perspective, color theory, and value skills.

It’s a lot, but it’s worth it.

If you plan to create digitally, before you begin, please consider checking out a Beginner’s Guide to Digital Art. The websites at the bottom are particularly useful for all artists!

Videos & Channels

  • SketchUp Videos
    • 3D should help you visualize and understand what you’re trying to create in 3D. I actually recommend downloading SketchUp and experimenting.
  • Mead McLean’s Youtube - wonderful and detailed videos. Surprised he doesn’t have more subscribers.

Specific Tutorials

Decided against including images to optimize performance. I picked these out by hand and most of them are semi-realistic to realistic and include theory as well as step by step.

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