5 tips for finding time to create

5 tips for finding time to create | Art-Res

As a busy university student with a lot of can be pretty hard to find time to create!

Here are some of the ways I manage my time.

Alarm clock on a chair by @szucslaszlo

1. Prioritize

Everyone has the same 24 hours in the day to get stuff done. If you prioritize making something every single day, you will probably make time to get it in. If you do not have time to complete a whole piece, a sketch, a doodle, a study, a few hundred words, a photo, a single song– all of those can fit the bill, if you choose to make your goal attainable and prioritize it daily.

2. Substitute

Instead of checking social media a second time (or refreshing your inbox - which I am addicted to doing), spend some time and create! A few minutes of work can yield some decent results, actually.

This tip goes along with the above/overlaps it somewhat, but I think sometimes you need to choose to subtract certain things, not just prioritize and defer.

3. Find little moments

Everyone these days has a hectic schedule, myself included. I find I can be creative if I find little gaps in my day when I can squeeze in a small sketch or two. I often try to really observe things and be present in day to day activities, which helps me generate ideas and understand perspective and anatomy work.

Doodling in the margins, thinking about what you can do to be creative during your walks, and planning in your free time can help you make progress towards your creative goals, even if you have less time to take action.

Planning can be a large part of the creative process, and if you think of things you want to create, or steps that you want to complete, when you do have a lot of free time, your creative flow will likely be smoother and more efficient.

For example, mornings and walking to classes are good times for me to think about my creative projects. I like to plan and think about stuff in the morning after I meditate. On walks to class, I can appreciate the world and let my mind wander, which is great for coming up with good ideas.

4. Manage stress

If you are too overwhelmed, you might not feel like drawing, painting, writing, or whatever you do to be creative.For others, however, drawing and being creative can be great outlets for stress.

Stress is really bad for your health and creativity.

There are many great articles on stress management, but my top tips are:

  1. Exercise!!
  2. Get enough quality rest.
  3. Meditate!

Another way to manage stress is to strive to work smater, not necessarily harder. If you can boost your efficiency at things, you will carve time for other things. For me as a student, this meant learning how to use anki flashcards (spaced reprition) as a huge component of my studying.

5. Make creating part of your daily routine

Consider doing something creative every day( or week) and treat it like exercise, brushing your teeth, or eating.

This does not mean treating the creative process like a chore, but as a part of your daily practice and something fulfilling you do often. It’s easier to do things if you make them habits, though instilling habits can be challenging.

Personally, I aim to write some words or draw a thing or two a day, but sometimes that doesn’t happen. But, that’s okay. I don’t let myself become too too concerned with maintaining a streak because I don’t really want my artistic outlet to become a source of stress. However, when I do keep it up, it helps me establish a good routine and flow to my day.

You’ve got this!

Lost in Space by @joshuaearle